Why should companies choose a CMMS mobile application?

In today’s digital world, the medium for all communication has become the mobile device. An individual is connected to this device almost 15 hours a day. Both our personal and business areas are highly dependent on the mobile device. Therefore it would not be surprising for businesses to adapt this tool for their day to day operations.

Technology is constantly reinventing itself by launching better software that can make business operate better. The CMMS has also realized the importance of the mobile platform and today most CMMS software companies have their mobile application that allow technicians to manage their maintenance activities on-the-go. For those who are not familiar with a CMMS software, this Computerized Maintenance Management Software is a tool that helps facility managers to digitally maintain all information about their organization”s maintenance operations. This preventive maintenance strategy comes with a host of benefits, let’s talk about some of them:

  • It improves the efficiency of assets while reducing the costs
  • It creates planned schedules based on the equipment’s previous maintenance history
  • Reduces machinery downtime
  • Effectively manages inventory
  • Improves data security


Image Source: Pixabay

These are few of the top rated benefits of the CMMS software. Now let us see some of the benefits of the CMMS mobile application:

Improve worker productivity

Technicians who are connected to the CMMS mobile platform can work from any remote location. They can easily open and close work orders, order inventory and also enter maintenance data like meter readings etc. from their mobile device. Research has proved that companies that adapted this technology have seen a great shift in the productivity of their technicians. The comfort of working remotely and yet being connected with the relevant company data helps the technicians to address problems instantly.

Enhances Real-time communication

To address any urgent maintenance issue, it is important that the company can connect the problem to their technicians immediately. The CMMS mobile device can be a great tool in deploying fast communication to all the technicians as it allows the technician to create new work orders and respond to the problem immediately from their current work location. This real-time communication not only improves the overall productivity of the technicians but it also helps in better maintenance of assets.

Increases DATA accuracy

For any business DATA is of vital importance, therefore maintaining the accuracy of information is the first step towards completing the job correctly. The CMMS mobile platform enables the technicians to enter the data collected at construction site directly into the app. Earlier details were collected in the form of written notes on paper and later it was entered into the system. The mobile CMMS allows real-time data entry which not only reduces the work load of the technician but also increases the accuracy level of the data and helps the next person to work upon the collected data instantly.

Increases transparency and visibility

By far, the CMMS mobile platform has been credited for bringing more transparency and visibility in the processes of the company. Since the software can be accesses from anywhere, technicians can log in their step by step progress of the work and the supervisor can track the progress status of the task, even without visiting the site.

From the technicians’ point of view, the app will allow them to highlight his work to the seniors. He can seek permissions, suggestions and also close work orders without being physically present in the office.

From the management point of view, the app will give them a real-time picture of the team’s productivity and help them take effective business investment decisions.


To sum it up, mobility can undoubtedly add value to your business by helping you access real time data, take corrective actions immediately, increase engagement between the technicians and the enterprise team and most importantly address emergencies instantly.

With so much to offer, the CMMS mobile application is a boon to business. By integrating the mobile device technology into your CMMS software, you can maximize the use of the software and integrate all your maintenance processes on one platform.


About Author
Jimmy is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TechnoIndian.
