Online marketing scenario in Australia – An Overview

Regardless of the size of the business, whether it is small or big, every entrepreneur ought to work out strategies that can facilitate online marketing. For the last couple of years, it has been proved that unless a particular business launches a website, it is difficult for the brand to reach out to the customers. As such, more and more entrepreneurs are trying hard to make their presence felt on the World Wide Web.

Ranging from online promotions on the social media platforms to offering promo codes and coupon codes to the prospective leads, every vendor on the virtual world is not keeping any stones unturned when it comes to marketing their products and services.


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As per experts it is only now that the small businesses in Australia have geared up to make their presence felt on the virtual world. Until a couple of years ago, in one of the market surveys, it was found that Australia was still far behind in online marketing. As such, many articles and write ups were published on the World Wide Web insisting that Australia should gear up for promoting business online. This was true especially for the small businesses.

Status of online marketing in Australia in yesteryears

A survey was conducted way back in the year 2013. As per the research and survey that was conducted, the following facts came to the forefront. However, this report indicates the state of affairs that existed way back in the year 2013. Magicdust, who employ some of the best website designers Sydney has to offer explains that over the years, things have looked up and these days the online marketing industry in Australia has reached out to clients across the length and breadth of the country. The report that is provided below will indicate how the country has developed and grown by leaps and bounds from what it was in 2013. These days the number of reputed and reliable web designing developers that develop ecommerce websites and take care of SEO aspects and essentials has grown all over. The developments are listed below with regards to different aspects.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

· More than 50% of the small business did not employ the concept of SEO in their business. Most of the companies were not aware how much web traffic their website was attracting.

· As far as statistics related to PPC or Pay Per Click was concerned, around 72% of the small businesses had never carried out any online marketing campaign ever. And only a small percentage of the online vendors were utilizing the concept of PPC for their online marketing efforts.

· As far as mobile marketing is concerned, it can be safely said that mobile technology offers one of the best avenues for advertising your goods online. Also, most of the websites these days are developed in such a manner that will be user friendly from the point of view of hand held devices.

· However, one positive aspect was that people recognized the potential of social media and there were many small businesses that exploited the social media platforms to market their products.


About Author
Jimmy is Tech blogger. He contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TechnoIndian.
